Introduction To Kali and WiFi Pen Testing
How to Install Kali Linux
WEP Hacking
Kali Linux and Reaver
Getting a Handshake and a Data Capture, WPA Dictionary Attack
Using Aircrack and a Dictionary to Crack a WPA Data Capture
Cracking a WPA Capture with the GPU using HashCat
Creating a Dictionary / Wordlist with Crunch Part 8
Crunch is a useful program for creating and outputting wordlist or dictionaries to be used with brute force attacks. Crunch can send a wordlist to the screen, file, or another program.
Here is how to create a dictionary with Crunch.
The syntax will be:
crunch (min)(max)(charset) -t (pattern) – o (filename.lst)
min = minimum characters that you want to add in your dictionary
max = maximum characters that you want to add in your dictionary
Charset = Which characters you want to add in your wordlist such as abcd or 123456
Pattern = Some characters can be static or dynamic meaning you can specify letters to change or not change.
For example, if I want to create a minimum 7 digits, maximum 7 digits, qwer987 with pattern qwe@@@@ and to save the file in the desktop folder.
The command would be:
crunch 7 7 qwer987 -t qwr@@@@ -o /root/Desktop/ dictionary.txt
How to Install Kali Linux
WEP Hacking
Kali Linux and Reaver
Getting a Handshake and a Data Capture, WPA Dictionary Attack
Using Aircrack and a Dictionary to Crack a WPA Data Capture
Cracking a WPA Capture with the GPU using HashCat
Creating a Dictionary / Wordlist with Crunch Part 8
Crunch is a useful program for creating and outputting wordlist or dictionaries to be used with brute force attacks. Crunch can send a wordlist to the screen, file, or another program.
Here is how to create a dictionary with Crunch.
The syntax will be:
crunch (min)(max)(charset) -t (pattern) – o (filename.lst)
min = minimum characters that you want to add in your dictionary
max = maximum characters that you want to add in your dictionary
Charset = Which characters you want to add in your wordlist such as abcd or 123456
Pattern = Some characters can be static or dynamic meaning you can specify letters to change or not change.
For example, if I want to create a minimum 7 digits, maximum 7 digits, qwer987 with pattern qwe@@@@ and to save the file in the desktop folder.
The command would be:
crunch 7 7 qwer987 -t qwr@@@@ -o /root/Desktop/ dictionary.txt
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